Тверской Курсовик

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Английский язык Контрольная работа 650 рублей ТГТУ


Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите текст. Спишите и письменно переведите часть текста – первый абзац и вторую половину текста со слов: Step 4: The Instructions.
Courtroom Personnel
The main persons in the trial are the lawyers and the judge. In addition to the lawyers and the judge, three other people will play an important role in the trial. The court reporter, who sits close to the witnesses and the judge, puts down every word that is spoken during the trial and also may record the proceedings on tape. The clerk, who sits right below the judge, keeps track of all documents and exhibits and notes down important events in the trial. The bailiff helps to keep the trial running smoothly. The jury is in the custody of the bailiff, who sees to the jurors comfort and convenience and helps them if they are having any problems related to jury service.
Step 4: The Instructions. Following presentation of all the evidence, the Judge in¬structs the jury on the laws that are to guide the jury in their deliberations on a verdict. A copy of the instructions will be sent to the jury room for the use of jurors during their de¬liberations. All documents or physical objects that have been received into evidence will also be sent lo the jury room.
Step 5: Closing Arguments. The lawyers in the closing arguments summarize the case from their point of view. They may discuss the evidence that has been presented or comment on the credibility of witnesses. The lawyers may also discuss any of the judge’s instructions that they feel are of special importance to their case. These arguments are not evidence.
Step 6: Jury Deliberation. The jury retires to the jury room to conduct the delibera¬tions on the verdict in the case they have just heard. The jury first elects a foreman who will see to it that discussion is conducted in a sensible and orderly fashion, that all issues are fully and fairly discussed, and that every juror is given a fair chance to participate.
When a verdict has been reached, the foreman signs it and informs the bailiff. The jury returns to the courtroom, where the foreman presents the verdict. The judge then dis¬charges the jury from the case.

Задание 2. Напишите перевод следующих определений из текста на русский язык.
1. CLERK (OF A COURT) (noun) — an officer of the court whose principal duty is to maintain court records and preserve evidence presented during a trial.
2. BAILIFF (noun) — a court employee who among other things maintains order in the court room and is responsible for custody of the criminal.
3. EVIDENCE (noun) — any form of proof legally presented at a trial through witnesses, records, documents, etc.
4. OBJECTION (noun) — statement by an attorney taking exception to the testimony or the attempted consideration as evidence.
5. WITNESS (noun) — person, who testifies under oath before a court what was seen, heard or otherwise observed.
Задание 3. Напишите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений из текста.
Задание 4. Переведите слова из левой части на русский язык и подберите к ним соответствующие определения из левой части.
Задание 5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.
Задание 6. Перепишите слова из текста и подчеркните в каждом из них ударный слог.
Задание 7. Одно слово в каждой группе (строке) имеет отличающееся от других произношение ударного гласного звука. Выпишите эти слова.
Задание 8. Определите, к какой части речи относятся слова из текста, переведите слова на русский язык, укажите словообразовательный суффикс или префикс.
Addition; important; reporter; convenience; related; selection; statement; picture; presenta¬tion; physical; disregard; objections; improper; invalid; believable; opportunity.
Задание 9. Перепишите предложения, вставляя необходимые по значению слова из предлагаемого перечня.
Задание 10. Переведите предложения на русский язык и выпишите герундий.
1. He was fined for being drunk in charge of a car.
2. The investigator put off making a decision till he had more information.
3. It’s no use arguing with the police.
4. He was accused of having deserted his ship.
5. The safe showed no signs of having been touched.
Задание 11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление причастия I (Present Participle) и причастие II (Past Participle). Выпишите причастия.
1. Releasing the offender, the officer told him not to drive too fast
2. Being suspected of an offence, he was detained.
3. Having been questioned, he was released on bail in the interests of the investigation.
4. Having grounds to suspect a person of an offence, the police must arrest him.
5. The police must investigate any case, involving death, or serious injury.
Задание 12. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя конструкцию «сложное дополнение» (Complex Object) и подчеркните данную конструкцию.
1. She wanted us to call her.
2. The investigator thought the suspect was at home.
3. I saw him hiding something.
4. We heard birds singing in the garden.
5. She made the boy to take the drug.
Задание 13. Перепишите предложения с конструкцией «сложное дополнение» (Complex Object), вставляя необходимые по значению глаголы из предлагаемого перечня.
Задание 14. Прочтите ситуацию и напишите предложения со словами в скобках в прошедшем совершенном времени (Past Perfect).
Задание 15. Перепишите предложения, раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол-сказуемое в будущем совершенном времени (Future Perfect).
Задание 16. Преобразуйте предложения из настоящего в прошедшее время, соблюдая правила согласования времен и делая необходимые изменения.
Задание 17. Преобразуйте предложения с общими вопросами из прямой речи в косвенную, делая необходимые изменения.
Задание 18. Преобразуйте предложения со специальными вопросами из прямой речи в косвенную, делая необходимые изменения.
Задание 19. Преобразуйте предложения, содержащие просьбу или приказание в прямой речи, в косвенную речь.
Задание 20. Преобразуйте предложения из действительного в страдательный залог. Подчеркните сказуемое в страдательном залоге и переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.
1) She will introduce her brother to me. Her brother was introduced to me.
2) My brother has bought this house for 15 000 dollars. This house was brought by my brother for 15 000 dollars.
3) I can’t give you a lift. My car is being repaired. You can’t be given a lift.
4) The teacher explained this grammar rule at the last lesson. The grammar rule was explained by the teacher at the last lesson.
5) They built this house in the 16th century. This house was built in the 16th century.

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