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Английский язык Контрольная работа 400 рублей ТГТУ


Вариант 3.

Задание 1.
1. We shall be grateful if you send us your catalogue.
2. If I saw my friend tomorrow, I should ask him about it.
3. If he knew English well, he would have translated the article without difficulty yesterday.
4. I could do it if I tried.
Задание 2.
1. I worked much to pass my entrance examinations, my bother helping me in my work.
2. We have three lectures today, the last being on physics.
3. Having lost the key, he couldn’t enter the room.
4. Having graduated from the Institute they work as engineers in many countries of the world.
Задание 3.
1. We expected our scientists to convert a computer into industrial engineering laboratories.
2. We wanted him to take it into consideration.
3. Physical, economic and business systems are known to have technical and human aspects.
4. He was said to know several oriental languages.
Задание 4.
Hardly a week goes by without some advance in technology that would have seemed incredible 50 years ago. Over the past 20 years computers have completely revolutionized our life. Yet we can expect the next 25 years will see as many changes as have been witnessed in the past 150.
Personal computers or simply PCs are a common feature of our life. We use them to do some calculations or prepare a text; we turn to them to present data with the help of graphs or diagrams, or just to relax playing some computer games.
Do you know anything about the Fantasy X22? The Fantasy X22 is a desktop computer. It has a desk drive and a colour monitor. The dimension of the monitor is 14 inches. The main feature of the Fantasy X22 is that it comes with a printer for word processing. The Fantasy X22 is really good and has many advantages. It is compatible with most other machines. There are many programs available for it. They are listed in the catalogue. It has two floppy disk drivers: for 3.5 inch disks and 5.14 inch disks. CD ROM is also available if necessary. The computer has a keyboard of 101 keys. The hard disk has 840 megabyte memory space. The computer has 640K of base memory and eight Mg extend memory.
Задание 5.
1. Have computers revolutionized our life?
2. When do we turn to personal computers?
3. What is the main feature of the Fantasy X22?
4. Are there are many programs available for the Fantasy X22?

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