Тверской Курсовик

Выполнение учебных и научных работ на заказ

Английский язык Контрольная работа 200 рублей ТГТУ


ТЕКСТ My Working Day
As I told you already, I am a first-yearstudent of the technical college. Now. let me describe my usual working day. My classes begin at nine o’clock. So on weekdays I have to get up at seven o’clock. My alarm clock usually wakes me up and my working day begins. I turn on the radio, do my morning exercises, take a shower and brush my teeth. After that I get dressed and comb my hair. Then I have breakfast. I love to listen to the latest news on the radio while I am eating.
I leave the house at ten minutes past eight and walk to the nearest bus stop. I live rather far from the college and it usually takes me about a quar¬ter of an hour to get there by bus. Sometimes when the weather is fine and I have enough time I walk to the college.
As a rule we have three or four classes a day. We have lectures in differ¬ent subjects. Usually I don’t miss my classes because I want to pass my examinations successfully.
At twelve o’clock we have a big interval for lunch. That’s my favourite time. That is the time to share the latest news with my friends. I prefer not to go to the canteen and we often have lunch in a small cafe not too far from the college. At one o’clock we have to be back to our classes. During the working day we also have several short intervals that last for ten minutes.
From time to time I have to stay at the college till late in the evening because I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on weekdays. So by the end of the week I get very tired.
I come home at about 7 o’clock in the evening. My parents are already at home. We have supper together and share the latest news. After supper we wash dishes, drink coffee or tea and watch TV. I prefer old comedies and serials or films about travelling. Sometimes I go for a walk in the park or visit my friends.

Задание 2.1.
1) I would like to tell you about/Let me tell you about
2) To be a student
3) On weekdays
4) On working days
5) To wake up
6) To get up at seven o’clock
7) To take a shower
8) To brush one’s teeth
9) To brush teeth
10) To get dressed
11) It takes me an hour to get to…
12) To go by tram (trolleybus, bus).

I get up early in the morning. Usually I get up at seven o’clock. Every morning I take a shower and brush my teeth. I’m always busy on weekdays. I prefer a healthy lifestyle. I go in for sports regularly. I do morning exercises everyday. I’m fond of rowing. I’m a student (of the technical college). We have lectures in different subjects. I usually go to the college by bus. It takes me an hour to get there. I work hard. I’m also fond of travelling. I served in the army. Music is my hobby. I like to listen to the radio in the morning. I help my parents in many things. We like to watch TV together. I like to spend time with my friends on weekends. I have some free time and we can share the latest news.

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