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Английский язык Контрольная работа № 3, Вариант 4 — 1000 рублей МГЭИ


Контрольная работа №3

Вариант 4

1. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на разные значения слов it, that, one. 

1. Copper is one of the metals used in prehistoric times.

2. It is indeed very difficult to give a definition of science that will be as broad as we should like.

3. Coal is a very useful mineral. We derive various products from it.

4. This text is much more difficult than the one we translated yesterday.

2. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на функцию инфинитива и инфинитивного оборота. 

1. He was saving money to travel about the country.

2. The new electronic digital computers to be employed at our enterprises will.

3. Physical, economic and business systems are known to have technical and human aspects.

4. Everybody knows Tsiolkovsky to be one of the greatest scientists of his time.

3. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на функцию герундия.

1. He is proud of having won the first place in the chess tournament.

2. He has no objection to being sent there.

3. This delegation arrived in Moscow with the object of conducting trade negotiation.

4. The negotiations are still far from being ended.

4. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст.

Earth’s Most Precious Resource

Over the last 300 years, world population has increased sevenfold, but water use has increased by 35 times. Since 1950, the amount of annually renewable fresh water available per human being has fallen by more than half.

While domestic users in rich countries tend to be wasteful in their use of water, regarding it as essentially free and plentiful, they play only a small part in total water use. On the other hand, the quality of water needed for domestic use is much higher than needed for industry or farming.

Although 70% of the Earth is covered by seawater and about 3% by ice, neither of these is easily transformed into usable water. Less than 1% of the Earth’s total water resources are usable for drinking, farming or industry.

As a general rule, 80 litres of water per person a day are enough for a reasonable quality of life, but the regional differences are considerable. An American uses 400 litres, while an inhabitant of Burundi may have to survive on 10 litres or less.

Consumption is much higher where pipelines are laid than in regions where water has to be carried from a well. Thus the provision of piped water services greatly increases water use.

It is difficult to establish precise figures for safe drinking water, but it is thought that 1.3 billion people worldwide do not have this basic service. Not surprisingly, the problem is much worse in rural areas than in towns. Dirty water is the world’s biggest health risk. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that 10 million people died annually from polluted drinking water from the beginning of the 1990s.

5. Перепишите вопросы и дайте письменные ответы.

1.   What does WHO mean?

2.   How much has water use increased?

3. What did WHO estimate?

4. What is the Earth most precious resource?



London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and commercial centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about nine million.

Traditionally the historical centre of London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are very different from each other and seem to belong to different epochs.

The heart of London is the City, its financial and business center with the Bank of England, the Stock Exchange, numerous banks, offices and firms. There are some famous sights in the City including St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches, the Mansion House, an official residence of the Lord Mayor and, of course, the Tower of London. In the past it was a fortress, a palace and a state prison. Now it is a popular museum.

Westminster is the part of London connected with royalty and government. Buckingham Palace is the British monarch’s main residence in London.

The Westminster Palace or the Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Parliament. This architectural complex contains the universal symbol of London, Big Ben.

Close to the Houses of Parliament stands Westminster Abbey. In Westminster Abbey most British monarchs have been crowned.

The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury. The largest department stores, cinemas and hotels are situated here. There are about 40 theaters, several concert halls, many museums and the best galleries.

Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. It was named in memory of Admiral Nelson’s victory in the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Not far away is the British Museum — the biggest museum in London which contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures and is famous for its library.

The East End of London is very important to the country’s commerce. There is the Port of London here. The East End markets are famous throughout the world.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы по тексту.

What new facts about London have you learned?

1)    What parts is London divided into?

1)    Where is Big Ben situated?

1)    Where is the City?

1)    What is the symbol of wealth and luxury?

1)    What is the governmental part of London?

1)    What is Bloomsbury?

1)    What memory was the Trafalgar Square named in?

1)    What is the British Museum famous for?

1)    What is there in the East End?

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